Meet Mrs. Huckwitt

Hello! I’m Mrs. Huckwitt, but my friends call me Tricia. Like you, I wear many hats – wife, boy mom, professional, home cook, crafter, designer, aspiring woodworker – among other things. I live in Golden, Colorado with my husband and son. We also spend as much time in New York as we can – the place I will always call home.

In my “spare time” I love to pursue all kinds of creative projects, from refinishing old furniture to making DIY essential oil products or making things with my Cricut. Most of all, I love to cook, browse recipes, and watch cooking shows. My cousin Carrie and I came up with the phrase “experimental cooking” describing how we try out and create new recipes. This is truly one of my favorite activities. You can find some of my creations on the recipes page for inspiration.

What has also become part of my regular routine is meal prepping for my family. I spend time on Sunday making dinner for the week to make the worknights run smoother. The benefits far outweigh the time investment for easier weeknights.

Do you find yourself frantic in the evening trying to multitask? Maybe your kids are asking repeatedly “What’s for dinner??”. Maybe you are checking mail and email, helping with homework, getting ready for the next day, walking and feeding dogs, returning personal calls, straightening up the house, etc. – all while trying to cook dinner? Do you work past 5:00 pm? Are you trying to figure out what to make for dinner on your commute home when you’re already starving? Do you find yourself eating dinner at 8:00 when your kids should be getting ready for bed?

That’s how I felt… every night of the week. I was stressed deciding what to make, looking for ingredients, running to the store for missing items, chopping, cooking, and cleaning. I was tired and grumpy by the time dinner was done. This is what inspired me to begin meal prepping for my family and to write my book Stressless Dinners – A Meal Prep Guide for The Workweek. I needed to take control and gain back some sanity after work.

I’ve found it to be life changing; I’m calmer and the evenings are smoother and more fun. I can get a few more things done and get some time to relax with my family. Cooking is truly enjoyable when I have more time, I’m not starving, and I don’t need to rush to finish my to-do list to get my son to bed.

I am not a trained cook, chef, or food stylist. I’m just a busy mom trying to feed her family a home-cooked meal… at a reasonable hour. If you can relate to the weeknight dinnertime stress, my make-ahead cooking methods can help you too. Check out my book and see how much more enjoyable your evenings can be.

Meet The Team

My little assistant! This is my son, Broderick. He loves mac and cheese, garbage trucks, trains, and helping mommy in the kitchen.

My husband, Jared. My favorite recipe taster and engineer. He likes fettucine alfredo, tacos, and tinkering in the garage.

Aren’t they cute?